الثلاثاء، 8 نوفمبر 2016

Pique warbling for the Golden Ball and angry Cristiano

Approaching "France Football" of the announcement of the winner of the Golden Ball award seems to be a choice between Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi is becoming increasingly

difficult.However, the Barcelona defender Gerard Pique resolve the controversy in his own way Bngradh one:"If they will be awarded the Golden Ball for the best player in the world, Messi was Sfoz since 2009 to today."What will be the response of Cristiano Ronaldo in the coming days?It is expected that Ronaldo is the strongest candidate to win the Golden Ball this year because he won with Real Madrid Champions League and with the national team of his country Portugal Euro 2016 championship, bringing Cristiano Ronaldo is to be the candidate to win the Golden Ball for 2016.

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