الثلاثاء، 27 مارس 2018

Match Saudi Arabia vs Belgium friendly international 27 Mar 2018

The date of the match between Saudi Arabia and Belgium in a friendly international in preparation for the 2018 World Cup Russia
Saudi Arabia's second-placed team will play against Belgium at 

21:45 KSA on Sunday
The Saudi team played last game against Ukraine and ended the positive draw goal against each team. The Saudi team benefited from the last meeting against Ukraine and entered today in front of Belgium and seeks to win the game and also benefit from the expected meeting of fans of the Saudi team,
Belgium are seeking to win the international friendly and prepare well for the World Cup finals
 Belgium are currently playing a friendly against Belgium, a game that is certainly difficult for the two teams, both of which are looking for self and reach the biggest advantage of the meeting. Belgium are keen to win the game to advance in the international classification of teams,
Date and timing of the match between Saudi Arabia and Belgium in a friendly international in the preparations for the 2018 World Cup Russia
Egypt time at 20:45 Saudi time at 21:45 UAE time
Event: Friendly match in the preparations for the 2018 World Cup
The two teams: the Saudi team and the Belgium team
Match Stadium: King Buduan Stadium
Referee: Mate Goog
Commentator: Fahd Al Otaibi

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