الأربعاء، 22 نوفمبر 2017

Juventus vs Barcelona match today 22-11-2017

The date of Juventus and Barcelona match today in the Champions League Championships on 22-11-2017 in the fifth round in the fourth group
We start with the stadium today is Juventus Italian club enters

Juventus match is played 4 games won in 2 games and tied in 1 games and lost in 1 games and has 7 points in the run in the last round to qualify and win over Barcelona and grabbed three points to ensure the rise with Barcelona by a large Before the sixth round and the last is a game of high caliber awaits the fans of football and the public of the two teams
As for Barcelona, ​​the Spanish enter the meeting, played 4 games and won 3 games and tied in 1 games and without any loss so far in the Champions of Europe and 10 points, Barcelona seeks to strengthen the lead and win over Juventus and grab the three points from the Juventus Arena and prepare to go straight to the next round Messi and his teammates will try to win and re-think for the second time after Juventus won last season against Barcelona and the European Champions in the pre-final. We know that Juventus is the last European champions last season and will haveWigs in today's game, a game where speculation is difficult or expectations
The date and timing of the match Juventus and Barcelona today in the Champions League Championships on 22-11-2017
Egypt time 21:45 KSA 22:45 UAE time
The two teams: Juventus and Barcelona
Round: Fifth
 Juventus Arena
Referee: Milorad Mazik
Assistant Referee: Milovan Rustic
Assistant referee: Dalibor Djorjevic
Fourth verdict: Nemanja Petrovic
Commentators: Khalil Al Balushi + Raouf Khalif

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