السبت، 11 نوفمبر 2017

match Egypt vs Ghana on 12-11-2017

Date of the match Egypt and Ghana in the sixth round and the final of the African qualifiers in the World Cup in Russia 2018 report on the Egyptian team today's guest on the Ghana team

enters the game Egypt is in the first place in the group merit and merit and within the early climb before the last round Which will play against Ghana today
The Egyptian team occupies the first place with 12 points playing five games in four matches and lost one game in the group now and within the dream of the World Cup, which deprived him for more than 27 years but with the will of the Egyptian players and the technical system and their belief in the rise and play in a way that suits the Egyptian players They achieved this with the Egyptian star Mohammed Salah. And for those who return to the game that will be held today is a collection of the two teams and will play the Egyptian team new elements to push them in the game to get each player to take the opportunity to prove the self to choose in the list sent to FIFAA 2018 World Cup
As for the Ghana team enter the game and play without pressure in the game, but seeks to win the Egyptian team to regain the mind after losing the Egyptian team in the African Nations Cup and World Cup qualifiers in the first game and the game will be difficult for both teams and both seek to win and benefit from the game, The Egyptian Mint
The date of the match between Egypt and Ghana on 12-11-2017
Egypt time at 17:30 KSA at 18:30 UAE time

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