الخميس، 2 نوفمبر 2017

The date of the match Alnasr vs Al Wasel 1-11-2017

The date of the match Alnasr and Al Wasel in the UAE league today
Al Nasr enters the game and is in fifth place with 10 points, played 6 matches, won 3 games, tied in 1 games, lost 2 games

and today seeks to win the game and take the three points and progress in the ranking and compete for the league title
As for Al Wasl, Al Wasl play the game against Al Nasr. Al Wasl enters the game and is in second place with 14 points. He played 6 matches. He won 4 matches. He was drawn in a match. He did not lose any games. Today, he tries to capture the three points. He will try today to win the match. The eye is temporary
The date of the match Alnasr and Al Wasl today on 2-11-2017 Emirates League
Competition: Gulf Arab Emirates
The two teams: Victory and Al Wasl
Week: 7
 Rashed Stadium at Al Shabab Club
 34 ° C
Commentators Ali Al Kaabi Abu Dhabi - Abdullah Al Saadi Dubai

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