الأحد، 25 فبراير 2018

match Al - Qadisiyah vs Al - Faisaly 25 February 2018

Date of match Al - Qadisiyah and Al - Faisaly today in the quarter - final cup of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques Sunday 25 February 2018
The stadium of the Prince Saud Bin Jellawi Sports Stadium
(Al-Raka) will host Al-Qadisiyah and Al-Faisaly in the quarter-final match of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques Cup, a match not to be divided over two. Al-Qadisiyah will seek to win the match and get the qualification to the semi-finals. Al-Batin has three teams in the semifinals waiting for the result of today's match between Al-Qadisiya and Al-Faisaly who will be in the semi-finals of the two teams is a difficult game for the two teams and both are looking for Card It is the semi-final,
The date and timing of the match between Al - Qadisiyah and Al - Faisaly Sunday 25 February 2018
Occasion: Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques Cup
The two teams: Qadisiya and Al Faisaly
Match Stadium: Prince Saud Bin Jellawi Sports City Stadium (Al Raha)
Referee: Pavel Rakowski
 Qadisiyah and Al - Faisaly

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