الثلاثاء، 20 فبراير 2018

Match Chelsea vs Barcelona 20 February 2018

Date of the match Chelsea and Barcelona today in the European Champions League matches the role of 16 Wednesday 20 February 2018
Chelsea to host Barcelona in first leg 16th round at Stamford
Bridge at 22:45 KSA Chelsea are hoping to win the first leg Chelsea hope tonight to score goals against Barcelona and keep at the same time for 90 minutes to keep a sheet of The goals of the strong opponent is a match we will certainly enjoy the beautiful football Barcelona enters the game as he plays away in a difficult face against Chelsea,
Barcelona are aiming for a good result as Barcelona are playing in every game on the win and Tata knows no loss for a long time. Barcelona is the leader of the Spanish league and won the last game on Eibar, which produced 2 goals for nothing.
Chelsea lead the European Championship well and aspire to complete the march and win over Barcelona in the meeting go
The date and timing of the game Chelsea and Barcelona today in the European Champions League matches the role of 16 Wednesday 20 February 2018
Cairo Time: 21:45 KSA Time: 22:45 GMT UAE Time: 23:45
Event: Champions League Europe role of 16
Match Field: Stamford Bridge Stadium
Referee: Konit Shaker, Assistant Referee: Bahatyn Duran, Assistant Referee: Tarek Anjun
Fourth verdict: Mustafa Aimer Aiswe
Away match

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