الأحد، 4 فبراير 2018

match between Espanyol vs Barcelona 04 February 2018

The match between Espanyol and Barcelona on Sunday, 04 February 2018 in the Spanish league matches round 22
Espanyol host FC Barcelona at 8PM Stadium Espanyol enter the match, played 6 matches, tied in 6 matches, lost nine

games, scored 18 goals and conceded 28 goals and 24 points and ranks 15th in the Spanish league. The match and get the three points where he hopes to secure himself in the Spanish league and away from the relegation zone, or Barcelona enter the game, the leader of the Spanish league with 57 points and sing alone on the summit played Barcelona 21 match won in 18 games and tied in three games did not hesitate Any meeting in the Spanish league in all games which played Barcelona scored 59 goal and conceded goals from 10 goals and has points 57 points and occupies 1 ranking position in the Spanish league,
Barcelona are seeking to win away from Espanyol at the expense of Espanyol and get the three points to continue their victories and strengthen the lead, the date and timing of the match Espanyol and Barcelona on Wednesday, February 04, 2018 in the Spanish league
Egypt Time: 17:15 KSA 18:15 UAE Time
The two teams: Espanyol and Barcelona
Week: 22
 Match Field: Power 8
Judgment: Jesús Khel Manzano

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