الأحد، 17 ديسمبر 2017

Al Feiha vs Al Hilal match 17 Dec 2017

Al Feiha and Al Hilal match date today in the Saudi league week 14 on today 17 December 2017
Al Feiha currently hosts Al Hilal in the Saudi league. Al Feiha enters the game and occupies the 11th place in the Saudi league. 

Al Feiha13 played 3 games, tied in 4 games, lost 6 matches, 17 goals and scored 22 goals. Of the points so far 13 points and hopes today to win the team to get away from the relegation zone Al Feiha team plays match at the stadium of King Salman Bin Abdul Aziz Sports Al Feiha and Al Hilal Al Hilal is seeking today to win and win and get the three points to top the order The league Al Hilal team enters the game, which is played from the matches 11 games and has two postponed games. Al Hilal team won in 8 games and tied in 3 games. We know about Al Hilal teams and his love in the work of record numbers not lost so far in the Saudi league and today will try to complete the victories to lead the Saudi league. Second place with 27 points and will be a tough day for the two teams, both seeking to win the game and the capture of three points. Date of match Al Feiha and Al Hilal team in the Saudi league on 17 December 2017
Cairo Time 18:40 KSA 19:40 UAE Time
Event: Saudi Professional League
The two teams: Al Feiha and Al Hilal
Stadium match: King Salman bin Abdul Aziz Sports City

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