Date of the match between Arsenal and Liverpool in the framework of week 19 on today 22-12-2017
Arsenal are looking to win the game and grab three points from Liverpool. Arsenal have a chance to win against Liverpool, not
only hoping to snatch fourth place from the Reds, but because the team will be in fifth place for Burnley or Tottenham, who occupy fifth and sixth places with 32 and 31 points respectively. In this round, as Arsenal are away from Liverpool with just one point, and is now hoping to win the game and capture the three points.
Liverpool are looking to win the game by snatching the three points in the English Premier League draw to close Chelsea, who are third in the table, four points clear. Liverpool are looking forward to winning the match against Arsenal. Coutinho, Ferminiu and the rest of the team will be a tough game for the two teams and both are looking to win the game.
The date and timing of Liverpool's match against Arsenal on Friday, 22 December in the nineteenth week of the English Premier League according to the following dates:
At 21:45 GMT Egypt
22:45 KSA time
23:45 UAE time
Week: 19
Emirates Stadium
Referee: Martin Atkinson
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