السبت، 2 ديسمبر 2017

match Arsenal vs Manchester United today 2-12-2017

Arsenal and Manchester United meet today in the English Premier League in the framework of the fifteenth round on Saturday, 2-12-2017 play the game on the stadium Emirates
Stadium Arsenal enters the match, he played 14 games won in

nine games and tied in one match and lost in 4 games He scored 28 goals and conceded 16 goals and scored 28 points and is in fifth place today. He hopes to win the match and take the three points. Arsenal hope to win against Manchester United who entered the season with all their strength and tries to keep up their good performance. Chester United is in second place with 32 points and played 14 games, won 10 games, tied in two matches and tied two goals. He scored 32 goals and conceded eight goals and today he wants to win the game to compete for the title of the English Premier League and Manchester United leaders. English Premier League matches do not match expectations for Arsenal and Manchester United in the Premier League
The match between Manchester United and Arsenal on 2-12-2017
Egypt time at 19:30 KSA at 20:30 UAE time at 21:30
Week: 15
Event: English Premier League
The two teams: Arsenal and Manchester United
Match Stadium: Emirates Stadium
Referee: André Mariner
Commentator: Essam Shawali
Away match

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