الأربعاء، 27 ديسمبر 2017

Newcastle United vs Manchester City Match 27 Dec 2017

Newcastle United and Manchester City are set to play in the English Premier League on Monday, December 27, 2017.
Newcastle United take the game, playing 19 games, winning 5 games, drawing in 3 games, losing 11 games, scoring 19 goals,

conceding 29 goals and scoring 18 points, ranking 15th in the English Premier League. The three points to add points and stay away from the bottom area in the English Premier League either for the Manchester City team leading the English Premier League enter the game, playing games from 19 games won in 18 games and draw in one game and did not lose any game in the league England has so far scored 60 goals and conceded a goal of 12 points and scored 55 points, ranking first in the English Premier League. Manchester City are seeking to win the game and strengthen the lead. Guardiola plays the game with all the stars and does not miss one of the key players who started The last game We seek to win in all our matches to get closer to the English league title
Newcastle United and Manchester City are scheduled to play in the English Premier League on 27 December 2017
Newcastle United and Manchester City
Event: English Premier League
Week: 20
 Stadium Match: St. James Park
Referee: André Mariner

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