الأحد، 28 يناير 2018

Barcelona vs Deportivo Alaves Match 28 January 2018

Barcelona and Deportivo Alaves meet today in the framework of the Spanish league matches Round 21 Sunday 28 January 2018 Barcelona host the club Deportivo Alaves at the end of round 21 enters the game Barcelona played 20 games won 17 games and

tied in 3 games scored from the goals 57 goals and received a net of goals Barcelona are aiming to win the three points to stay away from rivals and to strengthen the Spanish Premier League. Barcelona will enter the game with all the essential elements of the team and no one of the stars will miss today's game. Deportivo Alaves is in an unbeatable place in the Spanish league competition. Deportivo Alaves will play the game in 20 matches, win 6 matches, draw 1 game, lose 13 games, score 16 goals and concede 29 points and 19 points, ranking 17th in the competition. Spanish league and the timing of the game Barcelona and Deportivo Alaves today in the framework of the Spanish league matches Sunday 28 January 2018
Cairo time at 21:45 KSA at 22:45 UAE time
Event: Spanish league
The two teams: Barcelona and Deportivo Alves
Week: 21
 Match: Camp Nou
Referee: Iglesias Villanueva Ignacio

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