الجمعة، 5 يناير 2018

Match Oman vs U.A.E final 05 Jan 2018

The date of the match between Oman and the UAE in the final of Gulf Championship 23 on Friday, 05 January 2018
The final of Gulf Championship 23 held in Kuwait between the UAE team and the Oman team.

Oman enter the match after their last semi-final win over Bahrain with a goal against nothing and ascended to the final of the Gulf Cup 23 Oman today seeks to win the game and get the Gulf Championship 23
The Omani team is hoping to achieve the championship to delight the Omani people and continue to achieve surprising results for all, and the Omani team is the black horse of the championship after he was able to climb as the first group, reached the final match will play the game at the stadium Jaber Al-Ahmad International Mecca time at 5:30.
About the UAE national team. The UAE will enter the match, the same as to get the Gulf Cup 23 UAE played the semi-final in front of Iraq and the UAE team won the penalty shootout in the game was one of the best games of the tournament, but today will play against Oman in the final Gulf Cup in a game can not but win any team hopes The United Arab Emirates (UAE) team won the game today, after the UAE team failed to qualify for the World Cup qualifiers in Asia but today the UAE players vow to please the UAE people and give them the Gulf Championship.
The date and timing of the match between Oman and the UAE today in Gulf Championship 23 on Friday, 05 January 2018
Cairo time 16:30, KSA time 17:30, UAE time 18:30
Event: Final Gulf Championship 23
The teams: UAE and Oman
 Match Stadium: Jaber Al Ahmad International Stadium
Referee: Ali Mahmoud Shaaban

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