الاثنين، 15 يناير 2018

Saudi Arabia vs Malaysia Match 16 January 2018

The match between Saudi Arabia and Malaysia in the Asian Cup under 23 on Tuesday, January 16, 2018 Round 3
Saudi Arabia will face Saudi Arabia under 23 against Malaysia under 23 in a match that will not be divided by the two

teams. sides are looking for a win. Saudi Arabia will play the
match, playing 2 matches in 2 matches and today's match 3 against Malaysia. Saudi Arabia have 2 points and are seeking to win the game on Maliza. To the next round and competition for the Asian Championship under 23, while the Malaysian team is seeking today to get into the game and get the three points in the game and awaits the result of the Iraqi team and Jordan today's matches in the third round is crucial in the under-23 Cup hopes team Elisea in achieving victory in the match
Today's matches are the most important in the third group, which brings together teams in Iraq, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Malaysia, both of which are looking for victories, win and rise to the next round
The date and timing of the match between Saudi Arabia and Malaysia in the Asian Cup under 23 on Tuesday, 16 January 2018
Cairo time at 13:30 Iraqi time at 14:30 KSA at 14:30 UAE time at 15:30,
Event: Asian Cup under 23
Teams: Saudi Arabia and Malaysia
Match venue: Kunshan
Group C

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