الاثنين، 15 يناير 2018

Iraq vs Jordan Match 16 January 2018

The date of the match between Iraq and Jordan today in the Asian Cup under 23 years on 16 - January 2018 in the framework of the third round and the last group stage in Group C enter Iraq match, the leaders of the group with 4

points played Iraq 2 games won in 1 games and draw in 1 match seeks today in the game Iraq Under the 23 win in the game and surpassed the Jordanian team to reach the next round match Iraq and Jordan in the Asian Cup under 23, while the Jordanian team enter the game, which played 2 games won a draw in 2 games and will play today the third round against Iraq in a game not accepted division on the Nin Jordan under 23 tries to achieve victory in the game and get the three points beyond the Iraqi team and reach the next round, both at the same time will play Saudi Arabia against Malaysia hope each team to the next round and the competition for the Asian Cup under 23, date And the timing of the match between Iraq and Jordan today in the Asian Cup under the age of 23 years 16-January 2018
Cairo time at 13:30 Iraqi time at 14:30 KSA at 14:30 UAE time at 15:30
Occasion: Asian Cup under 23
The two teams: Iraq and Jordan
 Match venue: Changshu
Group C

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